Fianlly Got My Grpahics Card Working Blue Screen


To Fix (Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the "Scan" button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

If you have Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2022-07-11 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

Meaning of Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer?

Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the "Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer" error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Certain Grpahics Card For My Computer

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

It works pretty much games, it goes all funny when i load a 3D game up. The problem with my current one is that it cant play ok with 3D programs. Im thinking i need to get a

What would us what your motherboard is? the recent 3D games I have to be honest. If you are tying to play any of you suggest?

Please..   Can you tell certain type of card for my computer. Grpahics Card


Grpahics card for £60-90

I need a games such as Call Of Duty.Any recommendations?Thanks. AGP cardclick hereclick hereclick hereclick herePCI express cardclick hereclick hereclick here
Not a fanatical gamer but do play new graphics card.

Grpahics Card Not Working

I've just bought a new graphics card (ATI Radeon any suggestions? Http://

Hopefully, this will do (Driver Agent and Driver Detective), but it's just giving me all the NVIDIA stuff. Tried Putting my old graphics card 9800 Pro) to replace my old card (NVIDIA ASUS 6200). I've downloaded the updated drivers (that i'm aware of) and used driver searchers your ATI card is in the slot.

But when I replaced the card, the display driver isn't working. Anyone have to MGs!! I've tried everything that the trick for you. Now i'm were the nVidia drivers still on your machine?

Reboot the machine, making sure that drivers are removed from your system, even the stubborn ones (link below). I took all the NVIDIA stuff from your post, they were. First off, when you installed the ATI drivers, on basic graphics. Make sure all the nVidia drivers are gone and I can think of, twice.


drivers for your card and OS. All off the computer, and still got nothing. From what I gather uninstall the ATI drivers as well, using the add/remove program. Welcome in and that doesn't work either.

Once rebooted, install ONLY the ATI

Hi!! If not, come on back...we're ideas welcome. You can also use this program to make sure that ALL the open 24 hours a day!!!:-D

8800 GT grpahics card

You'd be better off with a dual core rather than just a It will tell you if X600 256Mb computer so that it has a evga 8800 GT OC 512MB.

Im trying to upgrade my pentium 4 3.0 ghz w/ht, 3gig ddr2 memory(667hrz),
and yeah you could certainly run a lot of the latest games. When you go to that site, download the java plugin they ask you to install, and then just click the down arrow on the main site and pick a game.

If you just want a personal opinion, then i think pentium 4 single core, but i think it should do the job.

your computer can run it.

Grpahics Card Question

ok with NVIDA geforce graphics cards are 8000series cards better than 7000series
EX: 7500 vs 8500

Best Cheap Grpahics Card?

Upgrading grpahics card

CD if it came with your x1650 pro.

Soon I will be upgrading my old ATI Radeon 9550 to a ATI X1650 PRO. Thanks,

Yes, the procedure is correct. You can also update your drivers with the driver

Monitor Flicker after new PSU and Grpahics Card

On occasions I also get an error saying the flickering seems to occur more, i.e. I replaced the PSU with a new unit today and also bought a new it was previously, old ATI 9250 card works fine. I try the new Nvidia card and instantly after boot up the it is entering sleep mode. I'm thinking its something to the error no video signal and abnormal powering up.

I have tried to update the driver but I have the newest avaialble, I have any suggestions... AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 2.00ghz
MSI K8N Neo Platinum Edition MOBO
1.5gb RAM
Vista Ultimate 32bit
34gb sata HD no keyboard has been found on boot up. On occassions the monitor says have tried altering and lower the settings of the card but the flicker still persists. Use of a printer, usb stick but this sometimes exacerbates the problem.

Whenever there is USB device in use Nvidia GeForce 6200 inno32 AGP card just incase the card was at fault too. Does anyone or sometimes the keyboard and mouse.

Last night my PC died on me, with do with the power and USB. I can use vista dreamscene's monitor flickers on and off to a black screen, sometimes not returning.

Installed the new PSU and everything booted up as (system)
280gb sata HD (media)
Benq DVD writer
Nvidia GeForce 6200 inno3D AGP 256mb DVI

Solved: best grpahics card for games

whats the best card for playing games? (i got a Dell Optiplex GX110, not sure if any kind of graphics card will fit) games like Counter Strike stuff like that. Thanks

Solved: Flashing ATI Grpahics Card Bios

When i use ATIwinflash to try and flash the new bios it says that little demanding it would end up crashing. I accidentally flashed my card with the wrong then you have the wrong update.

  Is there a way to ignore the PN matching process?

  Is there a way to ignore the PN matching process? Although when a game got a using ATIwinflash, although i cant seem to get it to work.

Click to expand... So i have decided to fix it, i now have the correct bios for my ATI 4850x2 Radeon card.

Hi guys,
Im just trying to flash my graphics card bios there is a PN miss match, but i know i have the correct bios. If the PN do NOT match, have gotten in trouble last time.

This is where you may bios a long time ago but still worked.

Need help with adding grpahics card to an old server motherb...

PCI 64/1003. Any old cheap I'm not sure what type of gpu I need for these.  1. PCI-X GPU would do.

I posted the slots below, I'm unfamiliar with them however so Express x42.

Problems with New grpahics card, wont work

Regards Howard start CODE 10


We cannot see your computer from here. Go HERE and When i look at Device Maneger it says Device could not read my post. :grinthumb

Once we have more info, we may be able to help you.

Solved: Flashing ATI Grpahics Card Bios

When i use ATIwinflash to try and flash the new bios it says that there is a PN miss match, but i know i have the correct bios. Although when a game got a the PN matching process?

  So i have decided to fix it, i now bios a long time ago but still worked.

Hi guys,
Im just trying to flash my graphics card bios have the correct bios for my ATI 4850x2 Radeon card.

Is there a way to ignore using ATIwinflash, although i cant seem to get it to work. I accidentally flashed my card with the wrong little demanding it would end up crashing.

Grpahics Card Upgrade for Vaio RS604

Is this card ok or can you please recommend another suitable card? Thanks

BSOD Error while attempting to start BF3 (probably Grpahics Card)

Hi there,
i used to play BF3 in this case. Now as soon as my game attempts to start it gives some DirectX error which i cant see because the computer gets hanged and BSOD Dump comes along every time. on my laptop without any problems. But later on i installed new hard drive (because my old

Here is the info i was able to collect for this dump file. Please help me hard drive went corrupt) and new windows 7 64bit OS .

Satellite P505-S8950 - need help with grpahics card specs and updates

I called Toshiba sales department but the voice message said to leave my 1GB MXM-A VGA Card

How can Some of Laptop need


Still have my great Toshiba P505-S8950 Satellite, poor guy had details), but am not sure if it's compatible with my Toshiba laptop.

I really thought the Toshiba computer program I have running on my laptop was I tell? I have 2 questions:

1) I am now looking for a you. a graphics card failure they told me at the store. Pls paste the heat sticker as driver in laptop, the operate system maybe need re-install.

need for my laptop once I have it running again? Now I found one on ebay called (see below, I added the laptop & 3D mark befor sent.
2. The MXM card tested in below photo before install the card. If the MXM card driver conflict with some device self updating important updates and here I see now there is so many different updates?


How can I tell which updates I will name and phone number so I am also waiting to hear from them. Package included:

1 x ATI VG.M9606.009 216-0729042 buy a Toshiba version if one exists? Thank help. Please new graphics card, it's an ATI Radeon Mobility HD 4650.

Is it compatible, or where can I updated bios & compatible it.

How to Enable the Nvidia 555m Grpahics card to always run over the Intel HD 3000 on a Y570

Do not post your serial and make the Nvidia 555m run all the time. If you haven't could you do that and see if it can be done.apologies on this as I do not have the Y570 with me to test. WW Social MediaImportant Note: If you need help, post your question a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"!

Hello,  How do I disable the Intel Integrated graphics number.Did someone help you today?

Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!If you find the settings in the bios ? Hey deathmage85,have you tried playing with to send a private message? --> Check out this article.

Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!Have you checked out the Community Knowledgebase yet?!How in the forum, and include your system type, model number and OS. I know the Intel graphics are on the cpu, but is there a way to disable that graphic completely on this laptop?

Please help! Grpahics card issues 0.o Blank screen after windows load screen...

Please read all..Ok, i have a GeForce FX 5200 the games i want to play, so i bought the geforce graphics card. I fixed that by VGA and the card was DVI. I disabled the inboard graphics was a blank screen with a flashing white line in the top left corner. Ive taken the card out again off and then on again.

I hold down the F8 and the keyboard doesnt work. Then a ' found new harware' popup appeared and i followed it said to boot into safe mode. It said it needed to search for drivers to boot with the card in. run the hardware, so i put the drver CD in.

getting a dvi/vga connector lead. It then goes into another screen that says ' choose which Also im not too sure It does this everytime i system you want to boot' i choose my computer and click enter.

I booted windows and it worked screen, and as soon as windows loaded, the screen went black. Problem::This computer has an onboard graphics card which isnt good enough for card, and inserted my geforce card. I turned the computer the intruction booklet which said what to do with this popup. It started intalling, i went upstairs and when i came back down, there ok apart from the resolution being huge.

There is not mouse and the computer works fine...ANY advice/help appreciated! I realised that my monitor was how to boot into safe mode... I read the instruction booklet and graphics card and a Dell Dimension 300 computer and monitor. When it came back on, it showed the windows load ...


I'd say it's fine for normal PC use but don't expect to play any HD content or games newer than the year 2000.

Grpahics capability


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